Writing is a process that ends only with the deadline. We believe that writing can always be improved; that there is no perfect sentence. The choice of words and their arrangement is an infinite puzzle with many best possible solutions. Determining the best solution depends on the writer's goals. Who is the document for? Why is it being written? What kind of document is it? What are its length limitations, if any? These myriad questions require writers to be flexible and to have strong habits that allow them to adapt to the circumstances.

As writing experts and teachers, we have crafted seminars to help business writers become more comfortable with the skill of communication and develop behaviors that will make the writing process easier, faster, more adaptable, and, most importantly, more effective. Our courses encourage employees develop better writing habits so they can adapt quickly and easily to all writing scenarios and better meet the needs of their audiences. We think writing is challenging and fun, and we want your business to benefit from our knowledge and enthusiasm.

As editors, we work with you to understand what you are trying to say, to whom, about what, and under what constraints, and then develop an accurate and correct expression of that idea. To be successful, we work with you rather than for you. While we can simply "correct" text, and are happy to do so, we think of editing as a conversation. We ask questions. We make suggestions. We provide options.
