Looking to improve your company’s written communication?
We can help.
Words are the method by which we conduct business, so we have to put them to work for us, and we can only do that by increasing our skill and comfort with written language. Appendance is where words work.
We know that coworkers, bosses, clients, and potential customers evaluate how well we do business by whether we dress the part, speak correctly, express concern for their needs, and act in a timely manner. Appropriate posture, dress, tone, facial expression, and even gestures work to convey our credibility in person and on the phone. However, writing strips away so many of these other methods for communicating and evaluating credibility. Word choice, sentence structure, clarity, conciseness, correctness, and consideration become the methods on the page that we use to communicate our credibility, which is why these skills must be impeccable in the workplace.
What has Appendance been up to and what do we have coming up?
We share upcoming events on our calendar, updates, and exciting announcements on our newsboard!
Writing matters now more than ever.
Communication has always been at the center of business, but new technologies have transformed the ways in which we communicate. In 2018, employees reported that they spent about 3.1 hours of each workday on business email alone, according to a study by Adobe, and email is only a small portion of all the writing people do to complete their job responsibilities, which means excellence in writing has never been more important. In informal polls conducted in our seminars, employees feel as if they are spending more than 80% of their work time writing.
Online Courses to Meet Your Needs
Looking to become a better writer? We offer several online courses that will teach you strategies to become a more efficient and more effective writer!
How do you convey credibility in your writing?
We know that coworkers, bosses, clients, and potential customers evaluate how well we do business by whether we dress the part, speak correctly, express concern for their needs, and act in a timely manner. Appropriate posture, dress, tone, facial expression, and even gestures work to convey our credibility in person and on the phone. However, writing strips away so many of these other methods for communicating and evaluating credibility. Word choice, sentence structure, clarity, conciseness, correctness, and consideration become the methods on the page that we use to communicate our credibility, which is why these skills must be impeccable in the workplace.