Interview 11.17.22

Where Words Work - Appendance

Go Solo interview of Jenny about her, Appendance, being a business owner, and more!


Interview 3.8.22

How Jenny Morse Earns $70,000/year Helping People Write More Efficiently and Effectively

COURSEMETHOD interview of Jenny about her, Appendance, our Better Business Pro online course, and more!


BizWest 8.19.2020

The art of formatting a message to show the reader that you care.

Formatting is the art of arranging text so that it draws (or repels) the eye of the reader. And good formatting helps the reader both read — and trust — your message.
Have you ever received a message that was one giant block of uninterrupted text? Most of us look at the first line of the block of text and either look away or shudder in horror. We don’t want to read it because we can’t see the end of it.


Digital Workshop Center Blog Post 7.9.2020

Why Do You Need To Demonstrate Your Credibility In Writing?

In the 21st century, and especially with the current shift to more remote work, people are writing more than they ever have. Nearly 300 billion emails are sent each day, with the average employee receiving 121 emails and sending 40 emails. So, we know that when we have a job, we’ll need to write to our colleagues, our customers, and our business partners. And to get that job, we’ll write resumes, cover letters, online applications, portfolios of our work, emails to our network, and our own website or social media profiles.


BizWest 6.23.2020

How successful professionals cultivate an efficient, productive writing process.

The blank screen can be daunting.
How often have you started to write a memo on policy updates, an annual report or even an email only to find yourself staring at a blank screen? Many professionals struggle to get started writing — even though they have a general idea of what they should say, they don’t know what to say first.


BizWest 5.22.2020

The 5 things you should be doing to build trust with your business audience through your written communication.

$400 billion. Yes, billion with a “b.” That’s how much poor writing costs American businesses every year. From text messages and emails to notes and jargon-filled reports, you and your employees probably spend more than half of your working day writing.
And, you learned to write through formal education that taught you how to use words to express complete thoughts, but your instructors may have failed to effectively teach you to write for others and build their trust. Writing for others is essential for establishing your credibility and getting those others to trust you.


Press Release 5.12.2020

Appendance Tackles Billion-Dollar Writing Problem

While the total amount varies, experts agree that poor writing costs American businesses billions of dollars every year. To combat that high cost, Appendance, a company providing consulting in business writing to organizations, corporations and individuals looking to improve their written communication, today announced the launch of Better Business Writing.


Tech Startup Week Blog Post 2.22.2020

What makes good professional communication? A healthy respect for boundaries.

Professional communication is based on customs and socially agreed-upon values. When you meet someone, how do you introduce yourself? In the U.S., we shake hands to greet people we don’t know…Written communication also has rules of behavior that relate to cultural boundaries. When people don’t meet our expectations for behavior, we become uncomfortable.