June 2021
View our original newsletter here: Write for Your Audience
Writing Personalities
What is a writing personality?
Just like the way we talk, move, interact with our families and friends, and move through our day, our writing reveals a slice of who we are. But writing, like all communication, involves two sides: a sender and a receiver. As the writer, we know what we want to say. And most of our education has taught us how to get our thoughts onto the page or screen in front of us.
But how do we know what other people think when they read our writing? How do we know what they think about us? Especially when they’ve never met us before.
Do you know your writing personality? Take our quick quiz to find out!
Quick Tip: Focus on how your audience will hear you and write for them, rather than just saying what you want to say.
Don't Just Take Our Word For It
See what other industry experts are saying about the ways punctuation, word choice, and phrasing affect the way your audiences will hear your messages in your business communications...
26 Email Phrases that Seem Polite, but Actually have a Different Meaning
"Being a professional in your work sphere does not only mean that you have to be the best at what you do but also know the common sayings and basic politeness of the business letter format if you want other people to take you seriously. And though we all try our best to sound professional in work emails, sometimes missed deadlines, lack of response and overwhelming projects can put us on edge."
The Four "Productivity" Personality Types and How to Write for Each One
"...There are four basic personality types that profoundly affect human preferences regarding organization, time management, and productivity strategies. If you know the personality type of your ideal customer, you can make your copy speak to them on every possible level, from the problems you’ll solve to how you’ll go about solving them."
Here's a visual guide to personality through punctuation
To Further Prove Our Point
We aren't the only ones who roll our eyes when we get emails with "Per my last email."
Here's a snarky, adult game that's bound to make you laugh!
Go Further
Want to know How to communicate better? Here’s a good read: Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work and Beyond by Jay Sullivan which is an all encompassing guide to improving your communication.
"Do you ever feel as though your message hasn't gotten across? Do details get lost along the way? Have tense situations ever escalated unnecessarily? Do people buy into your ideas? It all comes down to communication. We all communicate, but few of us do it well. From tough presentations to everyday transactions, there is no scenario that cannot be improved with better communication skills."
Quote of the Month
“We are all better communicators when we focus focus less on ourselves and more on other people” Jay Sullivan, Simply Said: Communicating Better at Work and Beyond