Concise = the balance between short and effective

First, and I say this with all the wry humor you can imagine, no one wants to read your writing at work. People, for the most part, want to do their jobs. And doing their jobs involves reading your messages. But the reading people do at work is not the same reading people do when they pick up a good book or dig into the most recent blog post by someone they follow. Your colleagues aren’t *choosing* to read your writing. They have to read it to do their jobs.

Because of this attitude, our writing at work needs to be short. We need to get the point across quickly so that people can stop reading and do the things they actually get paid for.

But, and this brings me to my second point, short writing feels mean. Studies have been done on why writing feels different from things that are said out loud, and it boils down to a combination of these facts: 

1) writing doesn’t have a body.

2) writing has a lengthy (millenia) history of being associated with rich and therefore educated people.

3) writing tends to be and needs to be more correct than spoken language.

4) writing is considered more “official”--has more power in court–than things said out loud.

When you combine these facts together–no body, a history of elitism, the necessity of correctness, and the value of writing in the legal system–you come up with what researchers have called the negativity effect.

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Writing as a Team Sport

The easiest way to make writing as a team less painful is to have really good project management and communication. 

You will likely have a final deadline for delivering the writing project. The whole group knows it has to be done by then. 

The key to success is working backward from there to determine what needs to happen in order for the project to get done and by when each step needs to be completed. 

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Guidelines for Great Slide Decks

Slide decks come in two major types: those meant to accompany you talking and those meant to be read. The rules are different for these two types because one is supporting material and the other is center stage.

What they have in common is image and color. Slide decks allow for visuals in a way that reports, memos, letters, and emails don’t. The slide is meant to be seen rather than read. We expect a slide to have more color than black and white. We expect the text to be accompanied by images. We appreciate colorful headings, highlighted words, background colors, and other design elements that are typically not part of other written formats. 

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Persuasion: Imagining you are the *other* person

Aristotle is to be blamed for teaching us the so-called “rhetorical triangle” of ethos (credibility), logos (logic), and pathos (emotion). Of course, the reason teachers are still teaching ethos, pathos, and logos is because we have centuries of testing that shows they work. Your ability to persuade is determined by whether the audience can trust you, whether you can provide logical and relevant evidence, and whether the audience has an emotional stake in your content. We won’t listen to people we don’t trust (ethos): credibility is the foundation for all effective communication. But we also don’t listen to people who we don’t *care* about, or who don’t make us *feel* something (pathos). We want to feel connected or inspired or powerful; maybe we want to feel angry or sad. Whatever the emotion, persuasion will only work when we *feel* it.

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Routine Messages: Start with the Ask

Routine messages are messages that are…routine, as in you write them all the time or you get the same kind of messages all the time. These are your day-to-day, the main things you do, the things you probably should have built templates for so that you can just swap out the names at the top.

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Active and Passive Voice: What is it and why does Microsoft Word (and every other grammar check tool) hate it so much?

You may have been told in middle school not to use passive voice. Or your high school or college writing teacher used red pen and underlined sentences marking them “Passive voice!!” as if you should’ve known what that meant and why it mattered. Or you see Microsoft Word’s squiggly blue line under a sentence and read “Passive voice” and then just accept whatever suggestion the AI offers. It’s ok. You don’t have to know everything about writing, and using grammar check is a good habit! But this is one technique that you may want to know how to use.

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Introductions and Conclusions for Reports

This month’s blog post is on introductions and conclusions to help those of you who write reports feel more confident about how you are starting and ending those documents. Most writing guide books will tell you that the introduction sets the stage for the report, and the conclusion summarizes. You might have heard the idea “Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them.” Conceptually, that’s about right. More specifically, we will give you the concrete elements that should appear in both your introduction and conclusion to create the strongest frame for your report and the best reading experience for your audience.

Report writing is primarily about sharing information with an audience. The goal of the report is to present that information in a logical and organized way that helps the reader digest the content and understand how the content could be applied or what it might mean.

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